One of the main themes that resounded with me is that the media has the potential to dissemble us. If we let it, we can be consumed with body appearances and that can effect several other aspects of our lives. Personally, I have felt defeated in some cases after experience with media and women's appearances. I get to thinking that if I don't look exactly like the models portrayed- the women that everyone wants to be- then I am some how less valuable. Instead of thinking rationally, I let myself sit and think about this and continue to participate in the same media that has made me feel so small. It's this weird obsession. And I have noticed the damage it's done in my life. I see myself as a small person, one that is a follower rather than a leader. The statistics for how few women are in politics and positions of power resounded with me as I thought about my own tendencies. It seems so likely that women are less prevalent in these positions because of the disempowerment they feel from today's culture and the media.
The other theme that was present was the tendency for women to judge harshly other women. One of the speakers from the documentary mentioned how people are so quick to focus on the outside appearances of women before they actually start to focus on what they are saying. This feels so true to me. Whenever a women is standing in front of me speaking, my eyes and thoughts immediately analyze the details of their appearance- their hair, their jewelry, their clothing, the SHOES. Only then, can I truly listen to the message. And even still, I am frequently draw to aspects of her appearance throughout her time of speaking. This makes me so sad. I dont want people focusing on my appearance. I want people to hear me. I think that's what most women want. I really need to be a better supporter and example of this by listening to those around me and rejected the tendency to focus on "looks."
The last thing this documentary made me think about, is the type of mother I want to be. Growing up, my mother was always concerned with her appearance. She always made comments about certain parts of her body that she didn't like. There were plenty of mornings that I watched her cry while getting ready in the mornings. I truly believe that this is one of the reasons I struggle with my appearance. I never want my daughter to feel this way. I want her to love herself the way I will love her. I want her to see the reflection that God will see. I know if I want this, I need to make some big changes today.
Choose to see a wish, rather than a weed.
Thanks so much for posting your thoughts about this! I had some similar thoughts, especially about being a mother and how I want to help my daughters deal with the challenges they will face because of media's biases!