

Monday, April 4, 2016

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

This past General Conference was amazing. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to listen to the talks and the songs. They truly gave me the lift and the strength that I needed for this upcoming week- I've been super stressed about getting all my assignments completed for school as I am sure everyone has. So this week, I am so grateful for media being a means whereby I can feel the Spirit and receive strength.

One of my favorite moments from this session of conference- more specifically, Saturday morning's session- was when MOTAB sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing." So I just want to share some of the lyrics from that song that touched me in a new way.

"Streams of mercy, never ceasing..."

"I'm fixed upon it..."

"And I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home..."

"Jesus sought me when a stranger..."

"He, to rescue me from danger interposed His precious blood..."

"Prone to wander..."

"Here's my heart, O take and seal it, seal it for thy courts above..."

I want to quickly share my testimony. I know, with everything I have, that Jesus Christ lived and died for us. Died for me. I testify that I have felt of His love for me. I have seen Him change me. I have seen Him lift me from the darkest of places into the most beautiful and joyous. I know the enabling power of the atonement is real. I have felt it. I have felt it every single time I have asked to receive. And I have felt it when I haven't. I have felt Jesus' love for me. I have felt His love for others. While I am prone to wander, I know that my Brother, Jesus the Christ and my Savior, He will follow me. And He will help me make it safely home. He will help you.

How grateful I am for this beautiful song to remind me of this and help me ponder these feelings. There is such a power in music- I testify of this! And I say these things, in Jesus' name, amen.


  1. I love this song, and was so grateful for the spirit I felt when it was sung in conference. Thanks for sharing your testimony with us! Love these pictures of Christ as well.

  2. I love this post, and I love that song. I appreciate you sharing your testimony, it is a great reminder to keep the remember the feelings that we felt throughout conference.

  3. Thank you for this post and your testimony! That song is so powerful, and I'm so grateful that they were able to sing it in conference.

  4. Thank you for your testimony, it was so sweet and touching. I love the music at general conference, I believe there is so much that we can learn from listening to the lyrics that they sing.

  5. I loved this. Thank you for your sweet testimony! I also love that song and find some of my sweetest moments during conference are during the songs.

  6. Motab's singing of "Come Thou Fount" was one of my favorite parts as well. The spirit was so strong and you could see how much that song meant to those singing it. Music can be so powerful!
